Chapter History
The founding members of the Pomona area chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. were Gloria White, from the Chicago North Shore Chapter, and Janice Dawsey from the Pasadena Chapter. Realizing the potential growth in the Pomona Valley area, other mothers joined them in January of 1980 and with the help of supporting members from adjacent Jack and Jill chapters, this small group persevered in the journey to achieve chapter status. The first family activity was a picnic held in June of 1980 and was the first activity involving fathers and children. Members attended Jack and Jill functions up to acceptance as a provisional chapter at the National Convention in Chicago in July of 1982. On February 19, 1983, the San Gabriel Valley Chapter was chartered.
Due to the growth in the valley, and the establishment of the West Covina Chapter and the Inland Empire Chapter, the San Gabriel Valley chapter was renamed the Pomona Area Chapter.
Through fundraising projects, members support the National Foundation and contribute time and money to local non-profit service organizations. Past recipients include Pomona Unified School District, Pomona Council of Churches, WINGS, NAACP, The Human Race, the YWCA, the Leroy Boys home, The House of Ruth and Project Sister. The Pomona Area Chapter also founded the Pomona Area Saturday Academy, which was funded by a grant from the Jack and Jill of America Foundation. The project enjoyed several years of success with the aid of such groups as Dad’s Forum, other Jack and Jill Chapters, and the dedication of committed members of the Pomona Area Chapter.
The Pomona Area is part of the Far West Region, which has 25 chapters throughout the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.
Members of the Pomona Area Chapter that have held positions of leadership include Foundation Member-at-Large (Marion Duff), Regional Secretary-Treasurer (Ida Younge & Regina Page), Regional Director (Ida Younge & Regina Page), Regional Protocol Chair (Renee Young), National Editor (Regina Page), National Recording Secretary (Regina Page), National Program Director (Ida Younge) and the 19th National President (Ida Younge). In addition, we have had two past teens that held Regional Positions as Regional Teen Secretary 2015-2016 (Jayden Taylor) and 2016-2017(Mikala Page) and immediate past regional teen president Bradley Adams (2019-2021). The current President of the Pomona Area Chapter is Patrice Cole-Morrow.